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Showing posts from July, 2018

DFT and IDFT using Matrix Multiplication Method in Matlab

dftidft3 clc clear all close all X=input( 'Enter the Input Sequence' ); N=input( 'Enter the value of N such taht N-point DFT is to be calculated' ); %Inputs are taken% n=0:1:N-1; k=0:1:N-1; nk=n'*k; %n transpose * k gives us a N*N matrix% W=exp(-(j*2*pi)/N); % Twiddle Factor % Wnk=W.^nk; % Twiddle Factor matrix is generated % Y= Wnk*X' ; % Twiddle factor matrix multiplied by X transpose% %Reason behing going to Transopose of the input matrix is : when we enter a matrix sequence we usually use ROW Matrix, in order to convert ROW to COLUMN we are using Transpose% L=length(Y); n=0:1:L-1; figure,plot(n,abs(Y)),title( 'Magnitude Response of DFT' ) figure, plot(n, angle(Y)), title( 'Phase Response of DFT' ) %MAGNITUDE and PHASERESPONSE OF DFT SIGNAL IS PLOTTED% W=exp((j*2*pi)/N); % Twiddle Factor % Wnk=(W.^nk)/N; % Twiddle Factor matrix is generated % Yinv= Wnk*Y ; % Twiddle factor matrix multiplied by Y% L=length...

DFT and IDFT using FFT command in Matlab

dftidft1 clc clear all close all X=input( 'Enter the Input Sequence' ); N=input( 'Enter the Value of N such that N-point DFT is to be Calculated' ); % INPUTS ARE GIVEN % Y= fft(X,N) %DFT IS CALCULATED% L=length(Y); n=0:1:L-1; figure,plot(n,abs(Y)),title( 'Magnitude Response of DFT' ) figure, plot(n, angle(Y)), title( 'Phase Response of DFT' ) %MAGNITUDE and PHASERESPONSE OF DFT SIGNAL IS PLOTTED% Yinv=ifft(Y,N) %IDFT IS CALCULATED% figure,plot(n,abs(Yinv)),title( 'Magnitude Response of IDFT' ) figure, plot(n, angle(Yinv)), title( 'Phase Response of IDFT' ) %MAGNITUDE and PHASERESPONSE OF ORIGINAL SIGNAL IS PLOTTED% Error using input Cannot call INPUT from EVALC. Error in dftidft1 (line 5) X=input('Enter the Input Sequence'); Published with MATLAB® R2013b

DFT and IDFT using Mathematical Formula

dftidft2 clc clear all close all X=input( 'Enter the Input Sequence' ); N=input( 'Enter the N value such that N-point DFT is calculated' ); %Inputs are given% L=length(X); if N>L X=[X zeros(1,N-L)]; else X=X(1:N); end %Adjusting the Length of the input Sequence by appending Zeros or truncating the sequence% for k=1:N key=0; for n=1:N key=key+X(n)*exp(-(j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1))/N); end Y(k)=key; end %DFT is calculated% Y %DFT is printed% L=length(Y); n=0:1:L-1; figure,plot(n,abs(Y)),title( 'Magnitude Response of DFT' ) figure, plot(n, angle(Y)), title( 'Phase Response of DFT' ) %MAGNITUDE and PHASERESPONSE OF DFT SIGNAL IS PLOTTED% for k=1:N key=0; for n=1:N key=key+Y(n)*exp((j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1))/N); end Yinv(k)=key/N; end %IDFT is calculated% Yinv L=length(Y); n=0:1:L-1; figure,plot(n,abs(Yinv)),title( 'Magnitude Response of IDFT' ) figure, plot(n, ang...

Circular Convolution of the two Sequences

The program code is : clc clear all close all X1=input('ENTER THE SEQUENCE 1 >'); i1=input('ENTER THE STARTING INDEX OF THE SEQUENCE 1 >'); X2=input('ENTER THE SEQUENCE 2 >'); i2=input('ENTER THE STARTING INDEX OF THE SEQUENCE 2 >'); m1=length(X1); m2=length(X2); if(m1>m2)     Y=cconv(X1,X2,m1)     n3=(i1+i2):(i1+i2+m1-1); else     Y=cconv(X1,X2,m2)     n3=(i1+i2):(i1+i2+m2-1); end Yref=conv(X1,X2) n1=i1:i1+m1-1; n2=i2:i2+m2-1; n4=(i1+i2):(length(Yref)-1+i1+i2); subplot(4,1,1) stem(n1,X1,'r') xlabel('n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Sequence 1'); subplot(4,1,2) stem(n2,X2,'g') xlabel('n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Sequence 2'); subplot(4,1,3) stem(n3,Y,'c') xlabel('n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Circular Convolution of the Above two sequences'); subplo...

Linear Convolution of two sequences

The program code is : clc clear all close all X1=input('ENTER THE SEQUENCE 1 >'); i1=input('ENTER THE STARTING INDEX OF THE SEQUENCE 1 >'); X2=input('ENTER THE SEQUENCE 2 >'); i2=input('ENTER THE STARTING INDEX OF THE SEQUENCE 2 >'); m1=length(X1); m2=length(X2); Y=conv(X1,X2) n1=i1:i1+m1-1; n2=i2:i2+m2-1; n3=(i1+i2):(i1+i2+length(Y)-1); subplot(3,1,1) stem(n1,X1,'r') xlabel('n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Sequence 1'); subplot(3,1,2) stem(n2,X2,'g') xlabel('n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Sequence 2'); subplot(3,1,3) stem(n3,Y,'c') xlabel('n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Linear Convolution of the Above two sequences'); output : Please feel free to ask your questions in the comment session

Introduction to this Blog

In this blog we are willing to accumulate useful information related to the hot topic in market : Digital Signal Processing !! | Starting with very basics this blog would lead to you some interesting topics in DSP which will help you a lot !