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In this blog we are willing to accumulate useful information related to the hot topic in market : Digital Signal Processing !! |
Starting with very basics this blog would lead to you some interesting topics in DSP which will help you a lot !


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DFT and IDFT using Matrix Multiplication Method in Matlab

dftidft3 clc clear all close all X=input( 'Enter the Input Sequence' ); N=input( 'Enter the value of N such taht N-point DFT is to be calculated' ); %Inputs are taken% n=0:1:N-1; k=0:1:N-1; nk=n'*k; %n transpose * k gives us a N*N matrix% W=exp(-(j*2*pi)/N); % Twiddle Factor % Wnk=W.^nk; % Twiddle Factor matrix is generated % Y= Wnk*X' ; % Twiddle factor matrix multiplied by X transpose% %Reason behing going to Transopose of the input matrix is : when we enter a matrix sequence we usually use ROW Matrix, in order to convert ROW to COLUMN we are using Transpose% L=length(Y); n=0:1:L-1; figure,plot(n,abs(Y)),title( 'Magnitude Response of DFT' ) figure, plot(n, angle(Y)), title( 'Phase Response of DFT' ) %MAGNITUDE and PHASERESPONSE OF DFT SIGNAL IS PLOTTED% W=exp((j*2*pi)/N); % Twiddle Factor % Wnk=(W.^nk)/N; % Twiddle Factor matrix is generated % Yinv= Wnk*Y ; % Twiddle factor matrix multiplied by Y% L=length...

DFT and IDFT using FFT command in Matlab

dftidft1 clc clear all close all X=input( 'Enter the Input Sequence' ); N=input( 'Enter the Value of N such that N-point DFT is to be Calculated' ); % INPUTS ARE GIVEN % Y= fft(X,N) %DFT IS CALCULATED% L=length(Y); n=0:1:L-1; figure,plot(n,abs(Y)),title( 'Magnitude Response of DFT' ) figure, plot(n, angle(Y)), title( 'Phase Response of DFT' ) %MAGNITUDE and PHASERESPONSE OF DFT SIGNAL IS PLOTTED% Yinv=ifft(Y,N) %IDFT IS CALCULATED% figure,plot(n,abs(Yinv)),title( 'Magnitude Response of IDFT' ) figure, plot(n, angle(Yinv)), title( 'Phase Response of IDFT' ) %MAGNITUDE and PHASERESPONSE OF ORIGINAL SIGNAL IS PLOTTED% Error using input Cannot call INPUT from EVALC. Error in dftidft1 (line 5) X=input('Enter the Input Sequence'); Published with MATLAB® R2013b